lundi 23 décembre 2024


L'avion de 7h 45

(Hendaye, 17 décembre, 8h 30)

L’avion de 7h 45 vient de passer, un chien aboie, un volet grince, la montagne repousse le ciel, les lits sont encore chauds, combien sommes nous ce matin à nous sentir moins seuls en regardant se lever le jour?

1 commentaire:

  1. And now it is Christmas Eve. I have become quite critical of religions-- all of them. But I love the spirit and feelings of Christmas. Yule, the Equinox, the festival of the pine tree--- all of these things have been around for a long time. Whatever happens in your life, I hope your home is full of happiness and love. I'm glad that I've been able to share your thoughts and stories.
