Un jour, une image, une histoire et autres bricolages d'un promeneur solitaire.
La tête haute
(Arborétum de Chèvreloup, Rocquencourt, Yvelines, 9 octobre, 16h)
L’élégance des grands arbres l’incitait à garder la tête haute et à chasser toute insulte de son vocabulaire.
I like how one limb on the tree on the right suddenly shoots straight up! We see them like that in some of our forests. I expel a number of insults at the Orange Clown everyday, but he doesn't hear them.
I like how one limb on the tree on the right suddenly shoots straight up! We see them like that in some of our forests. I expel a number of insults at the Orange Clown everyday, but he doesn't hear them.